
The strengths of a Franchise System

The Franchise concept comes in all shapes and sizes. But, talking about the systems that are “remnants” have common characteristics that set them apart from the rest. Among these are strong management with a strategic long-term view, a collaborative culture controlled by the franchisor, and an emphasis on system standards and training. In short, whether a franchise system is likely to last depends in large measure on how well it is operated.
The market position to be always followed is to be the right size: large enough to have brand impact in the business arena; small enough to provide the franchise network the strong support that they need for success. Never overload the capabilities to run a strong system.
A collaborative culture is essential to a strong franchise system. The franchise owners are represented on a peer advisory board. They report from the front lines of the industry, provide feedback on corporate initiatives, share ideas for improving the system and otherwise offer the owner perspective. Their inputs should be factored into planning and decision-making. System issues could be more readily resolved with this strong communication. Before investing in a franchise system, find out whether you’ll have a voice in decisions that will impact your success.
In addition, be sure with the level of control a franchise company over the operations of the business. There is a standard of operation, ethics and brand management that we require of our owners. However, they are free to set up and run their offices as they see fit. They can establish their own office culture and policies. It is found that this works very well for recruiting offices. Again, just be sure to understand whether standards established by the franchise company are for your benefit or theirs – and whether you personally prefer greater or lesser control from the corporate office.
Whether it’s training or marketing support, a strong system has to be there for its owners through thick and thin. The system is the most important aspect of the business, therefore keep track of information and trends that tell them how their business is performing. It is said that luck is where preparation meets opportunity. A successful franchisee takes advantage of opportunities to promote and grow their business because they have a vision for the future of their business. All the analysis and visioning in the world won’t get you anywhere unless you are prepared to work hard and maintain high standards of service delivery.
In today’s economic turmoil, franchising is countercyclical to the economy. It’s great to be innovative with your ideas, products and services providing you are consistent with your values, attitudes and behaviour. People want to know who they are dealing with. If you are a different person every time they meet you and have different types of deals going with different people you will leave them wondering. If you want to earn the loyalty of others they must be able to see you as honest and fair. And for most people, consistency is equated with fairness.
The business is ultimately about people and unless you gain the support of the people on whom your business depends, you have nothing.

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