Owner, USPFC
Q1. Tell us about the origin of US Pizza & Fried Chicken, what inspired you to start?
USPFC started two years back witha vision to provide end customers best tasting Pizza, Burgers & Fried chicken with great service.
An Idea to provide customers ‘Best taste in popular fast foods in single menu’, inspired us to develop USPFC modelin whichall thebig brand’spopular menu availableunderoneroof, withits best.
Q2. What made you choose the franchise route?
After developing successful outlet model, USPFC entered in Franchising model to fulfill the dream of young entrepreneurs with proven business model with very low failure risk and highest ROI in industry.
Q3. There are many brands in this industry, how you are going to beat the competition?
In service industry knowing your competition will help you have an edge over them. One should do an extensive research to know others working strategies, what they offer to end customers.
We found that everyone wants a single place where he/she can enjoy many varieties instead of only one like, only Pizza or only burger. That encourage us to make a menu that consist all different variants of fast food industry under one roof and this will give us an edge to keep us ahead in competition.
Q4.What you are looking in your franchisee?
We want our Franchisees to achieve customer satisfaction through operational excellence.
- A passionate,well committed and self-motivated to drive success.
- Strong leadership skills
- Ability to take risk.
- Entrepreneurial flair
Q5. How you are going support them to become successful franchise partner of USPFC?
USPFC support in all area for successful day to day business, which consist..
(a) Renowned signature taste.
(b) Attractive offers and periodic new product additions to the menu.
(C) Initial training support to all staff.
(D) Ongoing operational support
e) Marketing support.
Q6. Where do you see your brand in the next 5 years?
35 outlet across India and taste our food more than 20 lakh people.
Q7.Any message for the young Entrepreneurs?
Don’t be an entrepreneur just for the heck of it.Dont wait. Jobs, Zuckeberg, Gates we’re all billionaires before they were 25. You dontwanna wait to be 35, with a wife and 2 kids and then start a business.
Q8. Please share the franchise facts of USPFC with us.
- Total Investment: 6L – 16L
- Franchise fees: 2.5L – 4L
- Area Required: 100-1000 Sq.Ft
- Royalty: No
- Margin: 35%
- Payback period: 15 – 18 Months
Mohammed Bharmal
I want to start up new bussiness