
“Franchise Business Ideas: Unleashing Profitable Ventures in India”

In India’s growing entrepreneurial scenario, franchise business ideas are growing as a source of opportunity, providing prospective business owners with a path to success. With so many areas to investigate, [ … ]

Best franchise business in India with low investment

When it comes to starting a franchise business in India, low investment options can be an attractive choice for aspiring entrepreneurs. These opportunities allow individuals to enter the world of [ … ]

The Best Franchise Business sectors in India

Determining the “best” franchise business in India can depend on various factors, including personal preferences, market trends, investment capacity, and industry growth potential. However, here are some popular and successful [ … ]

Top Franchise Opportunities in India

India’s franchise industry offers a plethora of lucrative business opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs. With a growing economy and a diverse consumer market, franchising presents a viable option for individuals seeking [ … ]

10 Most Profitable franchise business in India

As an economy and population, India is one of the most growing consumer markets in the world. 2020 was the year of change, people surely learned one thing and that [ … ]

GB Singh- Director of Global Franchise Development

Tell us about yourself & about your Business.   GB Singh Sharpening Operational Performance, Driving Global Standardization, and Curbing Costs as Executive Business Leader Focused on Long-Term Viability. An International [ … ]

Food Biz With A Real Taste of India, Meal Factory

1964 MEAL FACTORY is India’s 1 st owned premium DINE- IN & DARK KITCHEN Brand. Having originated a new and exciting products varieties and more…The 1964 MEAL FACTORY brand experience [ … ]