Mumbai – based leading bakery chain, Monginis now plans to open 50 more outlets across the country by end of the year 2010. The company also plans to double its retail distribution from the current retail network of 15,000 stores across the country.”After Indore, the cities where we are planning to roll out our exclusive cake shops are Kanpur, Lucknow, Raipur, Chennai and Bangalore. We are currently looking out for suitable franchising partners for these locations and it will take some time for us to decide on Monginis’ manufacturing franchisee.” Said by the officials.For opening new stores, on an average, Monginis is looking at the locations with the minimum carpet area of 200 sq ft. Apart from opening more stores, our strategic business unit is setting ambitious plans for the retail distribution expansion. Today, our packaged products are being retailed in the retail outlets of limited number of cities and we wish to increase our distribution in the retail network of all the metro cities and other developing towns. The retail expansion plan involves appointing more number of distributors and retailers, further added by the officials.In addition to traditional and modern trade channels, the company is also active on on-line trade. Recently, it has launched an e-commerce site,, where customers can easily place their orders.
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