Children are the unplugged version of innocence as they always are happy and joyful irrespective of the circumstances in which they are. They are very pure and their conscience very flexible and godlike to some extent. And it is a very great responsibility to channelize their purity into a characterful personality. This is a very difficult process but this is exactly that we at Makoons preschool offer the children who take admission in our preschool. Makoons preschool is one of the leading preschool offering its franchise and is particularly looking for expansion in India Ghaziabad, Noida and East Delhi.
Makoons was started with an iconic vision of making a positive change in education industry making the children know their true potential by letting them explore themselves and extracting all the creativity and innovativeness in them in the due process. Makoons is known for providing high quality care to the children making them understand the importance of their being and their true potential helping them get ready to achieve success in every aspect of their life.
The process
Makoons preschool follows a specific process to make children realize their true potential. At makoons children are provided with top quality education which is the result of a terrific partnership between parents and the teachers and imbibe in children the traits like equality, justice, humility, humanity, of being helpful to each other looking to their overall holistic development. The curriculum and syllabus offered at makoons preschool is prepared asking into account the need of timing life-long learning into children.
If you want to open up a Makoons preschool franchise then you need an investment budget of about7-10 lakh with a space of 1500-3000 square feet. For more info you can call franchisezing at 97178-99733 or mail them at