1.What is the story behind Diet Clinic? How it started and what is the inspiration?
Diet Clinic started with a simple philosophy and the vision to help people lose weight without much lifestyle changes. We started in 2005 and over the last 8 years, we have helped people to live healthy while maintaining an ideal weight with right combinations of home-cooked foods, with occasional outings, for all our clients.
2. What all services and products that Diet Clinic deals in?
Diet Clinic provides professional diet planning and nutrition counseling by our qualified dieticians, according to individual lifestyle, food habits and medical history, if any at our clinic outlets. Besides consultations at our clinics, we also provide diet presentations/ counseling for the corporate people, fitness centers and gyms. We are also associated with a number of doctors and hospitals for their dietician requirements, as and when needed and vice-versa. Our dietician services reach out to people in all cities in India, besides the cities where we have our clinics as well as internationally through our Online and Telephonic Diet Programs.
3. What strategies you employ to maintain the standards of your company?
Diet Clinic selects the dieticians after proper assessment of knowledge of the dietician. Every dietician undergoes a proper training module, under the able guidance of our mentor Dietician Sheela Seherawat. After proper understanding of the diet patterns, she is allowed to start writing diet plans for our valued clients.
4. What are the future expansion strategies?
After a rich experience of 8 years in the field of Diet Consultation, Diet Clinic is looking for expansion in a big way. We are working on SEO of our website, few international collaborations at also in the pipeline,
5. What motivated you to go for franchise route for your business expansion?
Diet Clinic wants to expand our horizons. We believe in nurturing new talent and sharing our expertise, gathered over the period of time with our franchisees. This will encourage new talent as well as spread the business of Diet Clinic across India which is a well- established and reputed brand. We do not want to restrict our services to North India as we feel people from all over India as well as across the globe need to follow a balanced diet plan to maintain good health as well as stay fit life-long without any health problems.
6. How many outlets of Diet Clinic are currently in operation, and how many of them are running through franchise?
Diet Clinic is a leading brand with 10 clinic outlets at the moment, out of which, 4 are flagship clinics and 6 are franchises, spread across North India, and few more franchises to come up in the near future.
7. How your franchise business model benefit aspiring entrepreneurs to build a successful career?
Diet is something which anyone and everyone will be interested to know and follow for healthy weight maintenance. Instead of going for costly treatments (surgical & non-surgical) for weight loss and therapeutic diets, people prefer to go with following a balanced diet pattern under the supervision of a qualified dietician. Diet Clinic’s business model is a win-win option for aspiring entrepreneurs as they have an established and successful brand name associated with them. All the ground work is done and ready for them. You get proper training as well as technical support, as and whenever required, Marketing material is ready can be used to spread awareness about Diet Clinic. The return on investment (ROI) is hardly 10 -12 months, depending on how good your marketing strategies are in your city.
8. What support and training you offer to your franchisees?
The dietician selected for handling the franchisee is given proper training, under the able guidance of our mentor Dietician Sheela Seherawat and other senior dieticians. Training can be for 1 -2 weeks, depending on the grasping power of the dietician. Dietician gets to visit all our clinics, so that she can understand client handling, client queries and other important clinic management skills, After proper understanding of the diet patterns, she is allowed to start writing diet plans for our valued clients. The dietician gets complete support and technical training, as and whenever required,
9. How the company’s franchise model could benefit aspiring entrepreneurs?
Company’s franchise model gives aspiring entrepreneurs to be associated with a reputed and well-established brand. It gives a new entrepreneur to get trust of a client more easily as compared to a relatively fresher candidate in the market. With an extensive website and varied marketing activities, proper training module, complete support, Diet Clinic is a name to reckon with.
10. How will you differentiate your brand with competitors by USPs?
The USP of Diet Clinic is that we provide customized diet plans according to individual weight, height, food habits, lifestyle, and medical history, if any. We deal with all types of clients including those coming for weight loss, weight gain, muscle gain, therapeutic diet plans. There is no starvation, no monotonous diets, no medicines and no strenuous exercises recommended with our diet plans. 30 minutes of walk is recommended for keeping metabolism active. You can enjoy outings and family functions also, and our dieticians will guide and motivate you to achieve your targets comfortably.
11. What opportunities and challenge are laying ahead in this sector, considering the franchise sector, which is getting bigger with time?
Diet Clinic is expanding its horizons everyday and we plan to go international also. So it becomes a matter of pride to be associated for an international name in the market. However few challenges are also there with a number of individual dieticians trying to market themselves at a comparatively cheaper cost and making the competition difficult. Also people get lured to quick-fix, faster and costlier methods for weight control which give temporary results as well as health problems in the future. With Diet Clinic, results are excellent and it gives life-long wellness and maintenance for all.
12. How are you looking forward in the development of Diet Clinic?
Diet Clinic is looking for expansion in a big way. We will be having 2 – 4 clinic outlets by this year end. We have expanded or marketing activities, working on SEO development, looking for new associated Wellness partners, launch of Diet Café and activities and promotions.