Flipkart had recently opened its first brick-and-mortar store in Bangalore called as ‘Fliptomania’. The store, which is open to outside customers too, has witnessed heavy footfalls. Encouraged by which the company is now planning to set up more such stores at its offices in Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata. They have received many requests for company-branded T-shirts, coffee mugs and other items.
These products come with a very nominal price tag just so to cover the cost price which has been made deliberately. These products instill a sense of pride and belonging among employees. Quirky things like even laptop stickers are a huge hit. Some of the employee messages read, “Can we have more of Flipkart branded T-shirts. I want to gift these”!!
“By owning a brand, in some cases, the market valuation of a company has risen by 1.6 or 1.8 times from its original valuation,” says Harish Bijoor, brand expert and CEO, Harish Bijoor Co.
Source: Business Insider